Geoprocessing In R – Identify Points on a Polygon Layer From Survey Data

What happens when you have a bunch of survey data with GPS points, and you want to do Geoprocessing?

This process sucks as bad as my picture of my pencil sketch!


To start – I’m not sure if this is truly necessary but it seems like a good idea – convert your identify layer (TAZs, for example) to the same coordinate system as your points (likely WGS 1984, which matches GPS coordinates).

Then, load the sf package in R:

install.packages("sf") #only needs to be done once

To read the identity layer, use:

taz = st_read("gis/tazlayer.shp")

Once that’s loaded, doing the identity process is simple:

joined_df = st_join(st_as_sf(surveydf, coords = c("LongitudeFieldName", "LatitudeFieldName"), crs = 4326, agr = "field"), taz["TAZ"])

What this does:

  • st_as_sf is the function to turn another object into an sf object
  • The surveydf is the survey dataframe (you’ll want to change this to match whatever you have)
  • coords = c(“LongitudeFieldName”, “LatitudeFieldName”) tells st_as_sf the names of the coordinate fields
  • crs = 4326 tells st_as_sf that the coordinates are in WGS1984 – if your coordinates are in another coordinate system (state plane, for example), you’ll need to change this
  • agr = “field” tells st_as_sf the attribute-to-geometry relationship. In this case, the attributes are constant throughout the geometry (because it’s a point)
  • The taz[“TAZ”] is the second part of the join – we’re joining the points to the TAZ layer and only taking the TAZ field (this could be expanded with something like taz[c(“TAZ”, “AREATYPE”)])

One caveat – the return of this (what joined_df will be after the above function is run) is a collection of geometry objects, so when joining to table data, it is best to take a data frame of the object… a la:


df_out = df_in %>%

    left_join(, by = "idField")


This is much faster than loading ArcMap or QGIS to do this work, and it keeps everything in one script, which makes life easier.

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