Standard Deviation Differences Between Excel and R (and my code in Cube Voyager)
July 24th, 2015I had a need to get the correlation of count to assignment in Cube Voyager. I don’t know how to do this off the top of my head, and I’m instantly mistrusting of doing things I’d normally trust to R or Excel. So I looked on Wikipedia for the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and ended up at Standard Deviation. I didn’t make it that far down on the page and used the first, which generally made Voyager Code like this:
; Do not change filenames or add or remove FILEI/FILEO statements using an editor. Use Cube/Application Manager. | |
FILEO PRINTO[1] = "C:\Modelrun\TruckModel\Cube\Inputs\InitStats.RPT" | |
FILEI DBI[1] = "C:\Modelrun\TruckModel\Cube\Inputs\TrucksLoaded.DBF" | |
PAR ZONES = 1 | |
x=DBIReadRecord(1, r) | |
IF(DI.1.TSCN > 0) | |
n = n + 1 | |
xx = xx + DI.1.AADT_TRK | |
y = y + DI.1.V_1 | |
mux = xx / n | |
muy = y / n | |
PRINT PRINTO = 1, LIST = "Avg AADT_TRK = ",mux | |
PRINT PRINTO = 1, LIST = "Avg VOLUME = ",muy | |
PRINT PRINTO = 1, LIST = "n = ",n,"\n\n\n" | |
n = 0 | |
x=DBIReadRecord(1, r) | |
IF(DI.1.TSCN > 0) | |
num = num + ((DI.1.AADT_TRK - mux) * (DI.1.V_1 - muy)) | |
sdx1 = sdx1 + (DI.1.AADT_TRK - mux)^2 | |
sdy1 = sdy1 + (DI.1.V_1 - muy)^2 | |
n = n + 1 | |
PRINT PRINTO = 1 LIST = "sdx1 = ",sdx1 | |
PRINT PRINTO = 1 LIST = "sdy1 = ",sdy1 | |
sdx = sqrt(sdx1 / n) | |
sdy = sqrt(sdy1 / n) | |
r2 = num / (sdx * sdy) | |
PRINT PRINTO = 1 LIST="n = ",n | |
PRINT PRINTO = 1 LIST="sd AADT_TRK = ",sdx | |
PRINT PRINTO = 1 LIST="sd Volume = ",sdy | |
PRINT PRINTO = 1 LIST="r2 = ",r2 | |
I left the print statements in, because the output is important.
Avg AADT_TRK = 1121.77 Avg VOLUME = 822.03 n = 230.00 sdx1 = 1588160175 sdy1 = 1196330474 n = 230.00 sd AADT_TRK = 2627.75 sd Volume = 2280.67 r2 = 155.06
Note the standard deviations above. Ignore the R2 because it’s most certainly not correct!
Again, mistrusting my own calculations, I imported the DBF into R and looked at the standard deviations:
> sd(trkIn$AADT_TRK) [1] 2633.476 > sd(trkIn$V_1) [1] 2285.64
Now Standard Deviation is pretty easy to compute. So WHY ARE THESE DIFFERENT?
Just for fun, I did the same in Excel:

So I started looking into it and recalled something about n vs. n-1 in the RMSE equation and discussion in the latest Model Validation and Reasonableness Checking Manual. So I decided to manually code the standard deviation in Excel and use sqrt(sum(x-xavg)^2/n-1) instead of Excel’s function:

It’s not that Excel is incorrect, it’s not using Bessel’s Correction. R is.
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