Using the Voyager API for Path Analysis

August 3rd, 2012

Just posted on Github: Path2CSV

This is a tool that will read a Cube Voyager Path file and output the contents by node to a CSV file.  The code is written in C++ and available under the GPL3 license.


Voyager + C++ With Multi-Dimensional Arrays (Part 2: Writing)

November 7th, 2010

This is part 2 of using Cube Voyager Multi-Dimensional Arrays with C++. To see part 1, click here.

Building on last weeks post, the below shows the modifications necessary in Cube. The first thing I added is the variable itself (else, you will get one of those inexplicable errors). In this case, I add MDARRAY2 as a variable that is the same dimensions as MDARRAY. The second part that I add (which is after the CALL statement) is just to report the values stored in MDARRAY2.




LOOP _c=1,5
  LOOP _r=1,5
    PRINT PRINTO=1 LIST='MDARRAY[',_c(1.0),'][',_r(1.0),']=',MDARRAY[_c][_r](8.6)


LOOP _c=1,5
  LOOP _r=1,5
    PRINT PRINTO=1 LIST='MDARRAY2[',_c(1.0),'][',_r(1.0),']=',MDARRAY2[_c][_r](8.6)

In C++, I add a second variable for MDARRAY2 (called TableRecord2). It is critical that this is a double* variable, as this needs to be a pointer so Cube can access updated values of the variable. Similar with how I read MDARRAY into TableRecord, I do the same with MDARRAY2 and TableRecord2, which reads the pointers to MDARRAY2 into TableRecord2. Then, as I iterate through TableRecord, I set TableRecord2 to 10 * TableRecord. After this, the DLL is complete and Cube ultimately prints all the values to the print output.

int TableReader (Callstack* Stack){
	double* TableRecord;
	double* TableRecord2;
	char message[100];

	for(int x=0;x<=24;x++){ 	if(&TableRecord!=0){ 			 		sprintf(message,"TableRecord=%f",TableRecord[x]); 		Stack->pfPrnLine(1,message);
	return 0;

Additional Considerations

If you decide to use this, you may want to pass the sizes of each dimension if it is important. Then, you can write a function to take the sequential value and return the column or row.

Voyager + C++ With Multi-Dimensional Arrays (Part 1: Reading)

October 31st, 2010

This is part 1 of this subject. Part 2 will be about writing values to the arrays.

One of the cool things with the latest version of Cube Voyager is multi-dimensional arrays. However, it appears behind the scenes (or at least to C++) that the multi-dimensional arrays are a wrapper over a single-dimension array.

The easiest way to show this is to make a random array and send it to the print file. Making the random array in Cube is simple:




LOOP _c=1,5
  LOOP _r=1,5
    PRINT PRINTO=1 LIST='MDARRAY[',_c(1.0),'][',_r(1.0),']=',MDARRAY[_c][_r](8.6)


Then, in C++ we can pull 25 (!) array values from this:

int TableReader (Callstack* Stack){
	double* TableRecord;
	char message[100];

	for(int x=0;x<=24;x++){
	return 0;

For fixed size multi-dimensional arrays, this isn’t really an issue. It would be very easy to wrap the Stack->pfFindVar line in a set of loops that fills a multi-dimensional array.

Voyager + C++ With DBI Part 1: Number Fields

October 17th, 2010

This is part 1 of this subject.  Part 2, using C++ with DBI String Fields, will be in a few weeks, once I figure it out!

Extending the posts relating to using C++ with Cube Voyager, the next thing to look at is using C++ with the DBI input module that was added in Cube 5.1.

The key to making this happen is the Matrix FILEI help section that discusses that certain things are held in arrays. My last post on this subject got into arrays a little, but there are a few new tricks to use.

The code below (C++) is some simple source code that reads the input database (DBI.1) and reads the built-in array of field values.

typedef struct { int I,J,Zones,Iterations;
				double** MW;
				void* (*pfFindVar)(char*,...);
				void* (*pfPrnLine)(int,char*);
} Callstack;

int TableReader (Callstack* Stack){

	double* TableRecord;
	char message[100];


	for(int x=0;x<=40;x++){ 		if(&TableRecord[x]!=0){ 			sprintf(message,"Table %i=%f",x,TableRecord[x]); 			Stack->pfPrnLine(1,message);

	return 0;

This reads all the NUMERIC (note the emphasis!) fields and dumps them to the print file. There is a trick in here – I have a table with 39 fields, but I pull 40 fields. If you actually use that 40th field in the sprintf statement, it crashes. This is why I test to ensure that &TableRecord[x] (the pointer to the table record) does not equal 0.

Normally in Cube, one would read the database fields using DI.1.FIELDNAME. This is certainly possible in C++. Note the code below (where HHPERSONID is the field name):

int TableReader2 (Callstack* Stack){
	double HHPersonId;
	char message[100];


	return 0;

This is similar to the code example above.

Tune in next week when I get into more DBI with C++.

Using a C++ DLL in Cube

October 10th, 2010

One thing that can drastically speed Cube is using a DLL to do big tasks, like Nested Logit Mode Choice. However, doing this can be fraught with hair-pulling errors.  This post shows some techniques to keep your hair on your head.  This post is written for a travel demand modeler, not a computer science person!

RTFM (Read The Fine Manual)

Read the help file for Matrix CALL statement.  The struct statement is pretty important, and the sprintf lines will be used throughout.

Memory Pointers

One of the most important things to understand is that because there are so many variables that can be passed between Cube and the C++ DLL, the memory pointers are passed instead.  Also, one of those “pull your hair out” things relates to this – if you attempt to access a memory pointer that hasn’t been initialized, you get a crash that gives no error.

Because of this, the variables in the struct statement have a *, which notes that it is a memory pointer.

To keep from getting the crash-with-no-error, the following statement works well to test and allows a default to be used if the variable ‘MarketSegments’ is not set in Cube.

int MarketSegments=4;


Matrix In, Matrix Out

While the Help file says that you can get to defined working matrixes using

static double **MW;

I can’t get it to work using C++ (I have gotten it to work in C).  Instead, use the following:

static double **MW=NULL;

This will enable you to use MW[m][j] (where m is the MW number, and j is the j-zone).

You can also set the MW variables, but it does NOTHING if you don’t set the MW to something in Cube Voyager.  Ergo, if you set


Your output will be 0 unless you do the following in Cube Voyager


Array Variables

One of the tricks I use to get array variables out of Cube is this

float ArrayVariable[7]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0};  //Note: I'm using 1-6.  Setting this to 7 means 0-6.  Setting it to 6 would mean 0-5
double* tmpAV=NULL;
for(int x=1;x<=6;x++)

This code above checks that the ArrayVariable, fills them into a temporary variable, and then sets the actual variable.

Compilation Linker Settings

When compiling, you need to set the EXPORT flag so the name is predictable and correct.  To do this, go to your project’s property pages – Configuration Properties – Linker – Command Line.  You need to add “/EXPORT:FunctionName” under Additional Options.  See the screenshot below


Other Weird Stuff

Any error in C++ that does not cause a compilation error results in one of those useless “this program has an error and will be closed” and crashes Task Monitor.  That being said, write messages to the output file frequently (if at least during debugging).  This can assist with finding typos (like, say, %10.65f in an sprintf statement, which means 65 decimal places in a 10-width line).