Adding a Search Engine in Chrome to Track UPS Shipments

December 22nd, 2010

One of the cool features of the Google Chrome Browser is the ability to add search engines and search them from the address bar. This tip builds on that capability to track UPS shipments based on their UPS Tracking Number.

The first step is to go to the options menu by clicking on the wrench icon and going to Options:

The second step is to go to the Basics tab (or on Mac, click on the Basics icon)

Step 2: Manage Search Engines Step 2: Manage Search Engine (OS X)

The third step is to add the search engine.  On Windows, click Add, and then fill out the resulting form, on OS X, click the ‘+’ button and do the same.

Step 3: Add a Search EngineStep 3: Click on the '+' and add the search engine settings (OS X)

Windows Form:

Windows Form

The following are the items for the form:

Name: UPS

Keyword: UPS

URL: ayed=1&TypeOfInquiryNumber=T&loc=en_US&InquiryNumber1=%s&track.x=0&track.y=0

NOTE: The entire URL above should be one line with no spaces!

Click OK on everything (or in some cases, the red circle on OS X).  To use this, open Chrome, type ‘ups’ in the address bar and press Tab and enter the tracking number (copy-paste works well for this).

Type 'UPS' in the address bar...

...Press Tab, and paste your tracking number...

Once you press Enter, you will immediately go to the UPS website showing your tracking information.  In this case, my shipment won’t make it by Christmas.  Oh well.

...and see your tracking information

Python and Cube

December 19th, 2010

One of the advantages of the ESRI ArcGIS Framework is that you can write Python scripts that do GIS things and run them from Cube.  Even better, Cube uses the Geodatabase format, so you can store and retrieve things from there.

The first thing that is needed is a python script.  The below is an example that we’re not using at the moment, but it merges multiple transit line files together.

import arcgisscripting, sys, os

gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolBox/Toolboxes/Data Management Tools.tbx")

print sys.argv




print input
print output

if gp.Exists(output):

#input=input1+"_PTLine" +';'+input2 +"_PTLine"


print gp.GetMessage

del gp

To call this, we add the following in a Pilot script:

* {CATALOG_DIR}\Inputs\Transit.mdb\Routes1 {CATALOG_DIR}\Inputs\Transit.mdb\Routes2 {CATALOG_DIR}\Inputs\Transit.mdb\RoutesCombined

This makes it easy to create geoprocessing steps in ArcMap, export them to Python, and call them from the model.

Top 6 Resources for a Travel Modeler to Work From Home

December 16th, 2010

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, isn’t it?  Nothing says “winter” like 6 inches of snow that keeps you from going to the office!

Over the years, I’ve amassed a set of utilities, many of them free, to make my life easier.  This list can sometimes take the place of things that I would normally use in the office, other times they are things that sync to the “cloud” and I use them both in the office and at home.

1. Dropbox

I don’t care too much for USB “thumb” drives, and I’ve had my fair share of leaving them at home or at work and needing them at the opposite location.  Dropbox clears up this mess, as there are no USB drives to lose or leave in the wrong place.  NOTE: the link that I have IS a referral link.  Clicking on that and creating an account results in both of us getting an extra 250 MB of space with the free account (starts at 2 GB, max for free is 8 GB).

2. Evernote

I take a lot of notes, both on the road at conferences and at the office.  Evernote is what I use to keep them organized.

3. Google Docs

Unless you want to spring for Microsoft Office at home, Google Docs is the way to go.  There are several others including Zoho and Office Online, but I haven’t used them.  Google Docs has great collaboration features, document versioning, and its free.  Just make sure to back it up! The only problem: no DBF file support.

4. Notepad++

This is perhaps the greatest text editor.  It understands and does some context highlighting (etc) for many programming languages.  Even better, Colby from Citilabs uploaded his language definition file for Cube Voyager to the user group!

5. Microsoft Visual {whatever} Express Edition

The Express Edition tools have become our go-to tools for new development, particularly MS Visual C++ EE and MS Visual Basic EE.  Since they’re free, you can have copies both at home and work.

6. Eclipse

This one’s almost optional, but for those working with Java models, this is the standard IDE, and it is open source.

Any tools to add?  Add them in the comments below.

Using a Class Object to Help Read a Control File

December 5th, 2010

One thing we’re used to in travel modeling is control files.  It seems to harken back to the days of TranPlan where everything had a control file to control the steps.

In my case, I have a control file for my nested logit mode choice program, and because of the age of the mode choice program, I want to redesign it.  The first part of this is reading the control file, and I did a little trick to help with reading each control file line.  With C++, there is no way to read variables in from a file (like there is with FORTRAN).

The first part of the code reads the control file, and you will see that once I open and read the control file, I section it out (the control file has sections for files ($FILES), operation parameters ($PARAMS), operation options ($OPTIONS), and mode choice parameters ($PARMS). Each section ends with an end tag ($END). This adds the flexibility of being able to re-use variables in different locations.

After the section, the next portion of the code reads the line and checks to see if FPERIN is found. If it is, a ControlFileEntry object is created. This object is a class that is used to return the filename held in the object. This makes it easy to reduce code.

int readControlFile(char *controlFileName){
	cout << "Reading " << controlFileName << endl;
	//Read the control file
	string line;
	bool inFiles=false, inParams=false, inOptions=false, inParms=false;
	ifstream controlFile(controlFileName);
		return 1;
		//check the vars sections
			cout << "Checking files" << endl;
				controlFileEntry cfe(line);
	return 0;

The controlFileEntry is code is below.  This is used at the top of the code, just below the preprocessor directives (the #include stuff).

class controlFileEntry{
	string filename;
	controlFileEntry(string Entry){
	string Entry;
	int beg;
	int end;

The class has one public member, filename, which is what is read in the code where it is used. There are two public functions. The first is the constructor (controlFileEntry) which is used when creating the object. The second is the de-constructor (~controlFileEntry), which sets the beg, end, and filename variables to zero and blank.  The beg, end (misnomer), and the line sent to it are private and cannot be used in code.

This can be extended, as the file entry type is fine when there are quotes around the item (it is setup for that, note the -2 in beg).  I wrote a different one for integers, floating point, and boolean values.

class controlParamEntry{
	int ivalue;
	bool bvalue;
	double dvalue;
	controlParamEntry(string Entry){
		}else if(Entry.substr(beg,end)=="F"){
	string Entry;
	int beg;
	int end;

As you can see above, there are return values for floating point (dvalue), integer (ivalue), and boolean (bvalue).

Tune in next week to see more of the code.

Reading a Matrix File in C++ and Doing Something With It

November 28th, 2010

Last week’s post showed how to open a path file using C++. This week’s post will show how to open a Cube Voyager matrix file in C++.


Like last week, we need to reference VoyagerFileAccess.lib in the project.  We also need to add the external references in the header file as below:

extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)void* MatReaderOpen(const char *filename, char *errMsg, int errBufLen);
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)int MatReaderGetNumMats(void* state);
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)int MatReaderGetNumZones(void* state);
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)int MatReaderGetMatrixNames(void* state, char **names);
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)int MatReaderGetRow(void* state, const int mat, const int row, double *buffer);
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)void MatReaderClose(void* state);

Also ensure that the project is setup with the character set of “Not Set” as opposed to Unicode, which seems to be a default in MS Visual C++ Express Edition.

Main Application

The main application is fairly simple and just opens the matrix and outputs the number of tables and zones to the screen.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	char errMsg[256]="";
	// Open the matrix
	void* matrixState=MatReaderOpen(argv[1],errMsg,256);
	// Get number of tables in the matrix
	int nMats = MatReaderGetNumMats(matrixState);
	// Get number of zones in the matrix
	int nZones = MatReaderGetNumZones(matrixState);
	// Output to screen
	cout << "File " << argv[1] << endl;
	cout << "Number of Tables....." << nMats << endl;
	cout << "Number of Zones......" << nZones << endl;
	// Close the matrix
	cout << "Matrix Closed." << endl;
	cout << "Press any key to close" << endl; 	char tmp; 	cin >> tmp;
	return 0;

The output looks like the below:

Using the Path Files in the New Cube Voyager API

November 23rd, 2010

Matthew M., The Citilabs Director of Development, released an API to use C/C++ to read Voyager Matrixes and Highway Path Files.  I have started into using this API in C++ to read path files.

The first thing with the path files is that it is (as indicated in the documentation) Highway Path Files only.  I first tried PT Route Files (which can be read in Viper in the same way one could use Highway Path files), but alas, you receive an error when trying to do that.

For this, I have created a console application, which could become something to run in a model run.


The first thing is to setup your include file with the DLL references.

Start by adding a reference to VoyagerFileAccess.lib.  In Visual C++ Express 2010, right-click on your solution name and add an existing item (and point it to VoyagerFileAccess.lib).  Then, in a header file (or in your source file, but normal programming conventions seem to dictate that these items belong in headers), add the following lines:

extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)void* PathReaderOpen(const char *filename, char *errMsg, int errBufLen);
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)void* PathReaderClose(void* state);
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)int PathReaderGetNumZones(void* state);
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)int PathReaderGetNumTables(void* state);

These lines tell the compiler that these four functions are imported through a DLL (and thus, it uses the lib file to know where to go).

The next thing, since this is a console application, is to correct the Character Set.  Right-click on the solution, go to properties, select Configuration Properties – General, and set the Character Set to “Not Set”.  If you leave it on Unicode, your command line arguments will have only one letter.  See the screen capture below.

Main Application

This is a small application that just shows some simple reading the zones and tables in the path file.  The application takes one command-line argument.

The source, fully commented, is below.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <Windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, char* argv[])


// dim variables
char errorMessage[256]="";
int Zones,Tables;

// Opens the path file and sets the Zones and Tables variables
void* state=PathReaderOpen(argv[1],errorMessage,256);

// Dumps the variables to the screen
cout << "State of PathReaderOpen: " << state << endl;
cout << "PathReaderErrorMessage: " << errorMessage << endl;
cout << "Zones: " << Zones << endl;
cout << "Tables: " << Tables << endl;

// Closes the path file
cout << "Path Reader Closed";

// This makes the command window wait for input from the user before closing
char tmp;
cin >> tmp;

return 0;

For debugging, you will want to set the command-line argument.  This is done by right-clicking on the solution and going to Configuration – Debugging.  See the screen capture below.


The output of this is fairly simple:

In the coming weeks, I will post more about using this new API.

Voyager + C++ With Multi-Dimensional Arrays (Part 2: Writing)

November 7th, 2010

This is part 2 of using Cube Voyager Multi-Dimensional Arrays with C++. To see part 1, click here.

Building on last weeks post, the below shows the modifications necessary in Cube. The first thing I added is the variable itself (else, you will get one of those inexplicable errors). In this case, I add MDARRAY2 as a variable that is the same dimensions as MDARRAY. The second part that I add (which is after the CALL statement) is just to report the values stored in MDARRAY2.




LOOP _c=1,5
  LOOP _r=1,5
    PRINT PRINTO=1 LIST='MDARRAY[',_c(1.0),'][',_r(1.0),']=',MDARRAY[_c][_r](8.6)


LOOP _c=1,5
  LOOP _r=1,5
    PRINT PRINTO=1 LIST='MDARRAY2[',_c(1.0),'][',_r(1.0),']=',MDARRAY2[_c][_r](8.6)

In C++, I add a second variable for MDARRAY2 (called TableRecord2). It is critical that this is a double* variable, as this needs to be a pointer so Cube can access updated values of the variable. Similar with how I read MDARRAY into TableRecord, I do the same with MDARRAY2 and TableRecord2, which reads the pointers to MDARRAY2 into TableRecord2. Then, as I iterate through TableRecord, I set TableRecord2 to 10 * TableRecord. After this, the DLL is complete and Cube ultimately prints all the values to the print output.

int TableReader (Callstack* Stack){
	double* TableRecord;
	double* TableRecord2;
	char message[100];

	for(int x=0;x<=24;x++){ 	if(&TableRecord!=0){ 			 		sprintf(message,"TableRecord=%f",TableRecord[x]); 		Stack->pfPrnLine(1,message);
	return 0;

Additional Considerations

If you decide to use this, you may want to pass the sizes of each dimension if it is important. Then, you can write a function to take the sequential value and return the column or row.

Voyager + C++ With Multi-Dimensional Arrays (Part 1: Reading)

October 31st, 2010

This is part 1 of this subject. Part 2 will be about writing values to the arrays.

One of the cool things with the latest version of Cube Voyager is multi-dimensional arrays. However, it appears behind the scenes (or at least to C++) that the multi-dimensional arrays are a wrapper over a single-dimension array.

The easiest way to show this is to make a random array and send it to the print file. Making the random array in Cube is simple:




LOOP _c=1,5
  LOOP _r=1,5
    PRINT PRINTO=1 LIST='MDARRAY[',_c(1.0),'][',_r(1.0),']=',MDARRAY[_c][_r](8.6)


Then, in C++ we can pull 25 (!) array values from this:

int TableReader (Callstack* Stack){
	double* TableRecord;
	char message[100];

	for(int x=0;x<=24;x++){
	return 0;

For fixed size multi-dimensional arrays, this isn’t really an issue. It would be very easy to wrap the Stack->pfFindVar line in a set of loops that fills a multi-dimensional array.

Getting GoogleCL to Download Drawings

October 20th, 2010

While looking into backing up my Google Docs, I realized that GoogleCL is not backing up drawings.

Fixing this requires a few minor modifications to the source in {download}\src\googlecl\docs\ (where {download} is where you downloaded the files}.

The first fix is in the try block on line 51.

                              PRESENTATION_LABEL, FOLDER_LABEL, PDF_LABEL



Then, beginning on 52 (the except ImportError block), it should include DRAWING_LABEL = ‘drawing’ as below:

except ImportError:
  DOCUMENT_LABEL = 'document'
  SPREADSHEET_LABEL = 'spreadsheet'
  PRESENTATION_LABEL = 'presentation'
  DRAWING_LABEL = 'drawing'
  FOLDER_LABEL = 'folder'
  PDF_LABEL = 'pdf'

Then, on line371, the following needs to be added before the ‘else’:
except ImportError:

elif doctype_label == DRAWING_LABEL:
      return googlecl.CONFIG.get(SECTION_HEADER, 'drawing_format')

Finally, in your .googlecl file (mine is under my “profile drive” because of our network settings, your mileage likely will vary, so you’ll have to search for it), open config in any text editor and add the following in the [DOCS] section:

drawing_format = png

Note: while you’re at it, you might want to change document_format = txt to document_format = doc

That’s it. Now if you run ‘google docs get .* ./backup’, you get the drawings as well.

Voyager + C++ With DBI Part 1: Number Fields

October 17th, 2010

This is part 1 of this subject.  Part 2, using C++ with DBI String Fields, will be in a few weeks, once I figure it out!

Extending the posts relating to using C++ with Cube Voyager, the next thing to look at is using C++ with the DBI input module that was added in Cube 5.1.

The key to making this happen is the Matrix FILEI help section that discusses that certain things are held in arrays. My last post on this subject got into arrays a little, but there are a few new tricks to use.

The code below (C++) is some simple source code that reads the input database (DBI.1) and reads the built-in array of field values.

typedef struct { int I,J,Zones,Iterations;
				double** MW;
				void* (*pfFindVar)(char*,...);
				void* (*pfPrnLine)(int,char*);
} Callstack;

int TableReader (Callstack* Stack){

	double* TableRecord;
	char message[100];


	for(int x=0;x<=40;x++){ 		if(&TableRecord[x]!=0){ 			sprintf(message,"Table %i=%f",x,TableRecord[x]); 			Stack->pfPrnLine(1,message);

	return 0;

This reads all the NUMERIC (note the emphasis!) fields and dumps them to the print file. There is a trick in here – I have a table with 39 fields, but I pull 40 fields. If you actually use that 40th field in the sprintf statement, it crashes. This is why I test to ensure that &TableRecord[x] (the pointer to the table record) does not equal 0.

Normally in Cube, one would read the database fields using DI.1.FIELDNAME. This is certainly possible in C++. Note the code below (where HHPERSONID is the field name):

int TableReader2 (Callstack* Stack){
	double HHPersonId;
	char message[100];


	return 0;

This is similar to the code example above.

Tune in next week when I get into more DBI with C++.

Using a C++ DLL in Cube

October 10th, 2010

One thing that can drastically speed Cube is using a DLL to do big tasks, like Nested Logit Mode Choice. However, doing this can be fraught with hair-pulling errors.  This post shows some techniques to keep your hair on your head.  This post is written for a travel demand modeler, not a computer science person!

RTFM (Read The Fine Manual)

Read the help file for Matrix CALL statement.  The struct statement is pretty important, and the sprintf lines will be used throughout.

Memory Pointers

One of the most important things to understand is that because there are so many variables that can be passed between Cube and the C++ DLL, the memory pointers are passed instead.  Also, one of those “pull your hair out” things relates to this – if you attempt to access a memory pointer that hasn’t been initialized, you get a crash that gives no error.

Because of this, the variables in the struct statement have a *, which notes that it is a memory pointer.

To keep from getting the crash-with-no-error, the following statement works well to test and allows a default to be used if the variable ‘MarketSegments’ is not set in Cube.

int MarketSegments=4;


Matrix In, Matrix Out

While the Help file says that you can get to defined working matrixes using

static double **MW;

I can’t get it to work using C++ (I have gotten it to work in C).  Instead, use the following:

static double **MW=NULL;

This will enable you to use MW[m][j] (where m is the MW number, and j is the j-zone).

You can also set the MW variables, but it does NOTHING if you don’t set the MW to something in Cube Voyager.  Ergo, if you set


Your output will be 0 unless you do the following in Cube Voyager


Array Variables

One of the tricks I use to get array variables out of Cube is this

float ArrayVariable[7]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0};  //Note: I'm using 1-6.  Setting this to 7 means 0-6.  Setting it to 6 would mean 0-5
double* tmpAV=NULL;
for(int x=1;x<=6;x++)

This code above checks that the ArrayVariable, fills them into a temporary variable, and then sets the actual variable.

Compilation Linker Settings

When compiling, you need to set the EXPORT flag so the name is predictable and correct.  To do this, go to your project’s property pages – Configuration Properties – Linker – Command Line.  You need to add “/EXPORT:FunctionName” under Additional Options.  See the screenshot below


Other Weird Stuff

Any error in C++ that does not cause a compilation error results in one of those useless “this program has an error and will be closed” and crashes Task Monitor.  That being said, write messages to the output file frequently (if at least during debugging).  This can assist with finding typos (like, say, %10.65f in an sprintf statement, which means 65 decimal places in a 10-width line).

Cube Voyager: Using Cluster with DBI

October 3rd, 2010

Credit for this goes to Citilabs Support, although I made some adaptations.

In Matrix when using DBI, PAR ZONES=1 will effectively shut off Cluster. Therefore, the following works really well.



start = (I-1)*recs+1
end = I*recs

LOOP _r=start,end

This script sets each core to process an equal portion of the database with any remainder (e.g if you cluster 4 records over 3 cores) to the last core.

Cube Voyager Speed Clinic

September 26th, 2010

There are several issues with long travel demand model run times.  Deep down, these are supposed to be planning tools, and taking too long for results can reduce the practicality of using a travel demand model in decision making.

In Cube Voyager, I’ve been finding more ways to cut runtimes down as much as possible, and below is the list with some of the rationale.

Keep JLoops at a Minimum

The Matrix program runs in an implied ILOOP.  This being the case, anything in the script runs many times (as many as the zones you have).  Using a JLOOP in a 2,000 zone model means that there are  4,000,000 calculations to be done for each COMP statement.  What happens if you have 3 COMP statements?  You go from 4,000,000 to 12,000,000 calculations.  This is even worse if the calculations include a lookup function, which are generally slow.

Keep Files Small – Only Write What You Have To

This is a no-brainer.  The more that Cube (or anything, for that matter) has to write to disk, the longer the runtime.

Replace RECI with DBI wherever possible

DBI can be clustered (look for a post on that in the coming weeks).  While I’m not sure if there is any difference on one core, being able to use Cluster is the trump card.

Use Cluster Dynamically and Wherever Possible

Standardize the Cluster ID in your code, but set the process list to a catalog key as with below:


Using Cluster to your advantage is critical to having a fast model.

Blackberry + GPSed + Lightroom + Lightroom Plugin = Awesome!

July 24th, 2010

For those of us using older digital cameras that do not have GPS capabilities (like my trusted D70), there is a way to use a Blackberry to capture the GPS coordinates and use a Lightroom plugin to put the GPS coordinates into the EXIF Metadata.  Once the metadata is written, sites like Panoramio and Flickr will recognize the location.

The first step to this is to have a Blackberry.  I’m sure there is a way to do this with an Android based phone or an iPhone, but I haven’t used them, so I don’t know how to do this on those.

On your Blackberry, open App World and search for, download, and install GPSed.  This program can be used to track your location.  BIG IMPORTANT NOTE: this will use much more battery than normal.  The amount of battery is used WAY MORE if you go into an area with no service.

Before you go ‘Shooting’

First off, set the time on your camera.  It will make your life easier down the road.

Then, at the start of your shoot/photowalk, open GPSed and select New Track… in the menu:


And give it a name:

Start shooting!  While you are shooting, the GPSed free version log a GPS point roughly every 2 seconds.  This can be affected by a number of things,like tall buildings, clouds, trees, and having your Blackberry in your pocket or a case.  While those do create problems, leaving my Blackberry in its case while I walk through downtown is pretty good, but will sometimes miss points.

When you are done…

When you are done, open the menu ans select Finish Track.  On the following screen, it will ask you if you want to share or upload the track.  I tend to use “Do Nothing”.


After the track is saved (and uploaded or shared if you did that), you will need to convert the track to GPX format.

The next steps on the Blackberry can be done now or at home.  I tend to do this part at home, since it goes hand-in-hand with the rest of the process.

At Home…

In GPSed, click the menu and select Pages > Track List.  You will want to select your track, click the menu, and select Convert to GPX…

-> ->


It will take a few to process.  My ~2 hour, 3 mile photowalk around 15-30 seconds.  Make sure you remember where it tells you it put the file!


After this, you can close GPSed.  You will want to locate that file and transfer it to your computer.  I used email.

-> ->

On Your Computer…

At this point, all of the Blackberry steps are completed.  You should be able to open your email and get the GPX file to process in Lightroom.  Save this somewhere.  I use /Users/andrew/Pictures/Geoencoding on my Mac.

For this part, you will need Jeffrey Friedl’s GPS Plugin.  If you have a lot of pictures, you will want to donate to him to remove the 10-pic-at-a-time block.  Also, if you do this more than once or twice in your life, you should donate to him 🙂

To set the GPS coordinates on the actual pictures, open Lightroom and import your pictures.  Also, use the Lightroom Plugin Manager to open the GPS plugin.

Select all the images you want to set GPS coordinates to (CMD-A on Mac, Cntrl-A on PC, if you have them in the same folder).  Then, go to File-Plugin Extras – Geoencode…

There are several important things on the resulting window…

The important stuff here:

  • Make sure the tracklog tab is selected.
  • Make sure you’ve selected the GPX file that you emailed to yourself.
  • Select UTC as the timezone – this is because the times from the GPS satellites are in UTC.
  • I’ve had the most luck with a 30 second fuzzyness.  Increase if you are in a downtown, decrease if you are not and you were running.
  • If your camera doesn’t have the correct time, correct it!  You really shouldn’t have to use much in the camera time correction.

Once you click Geoencode, the GPS information will be added to all the pictures it can.  Congratulations, your pictures are mappable!  Now, if you use Jeffery Friedl’s Flicker plugin, Flickr will know where to place them on the map!

Tour-Based Modeling: Why is it Important?

June 12th, 2010

One thing that is constantly bounced around is why tour-based modeling is better than trip based modeling.  We’ve been using trip based modeling for 50 years, isn’t it timeless?


Fifty years ago, when the trip based modeling methodologies were developed, the primary reason was to evaluate highway improvements.  While tolling was in use, the bonding requirements were likely different.  Transit, while extremely important, was not in the public realm (the streetcars were normally privately owned by the area’s electric company).

Now, there are a lot of demands on travel models:

  • Tolling/Toll Road analysis at a better level
  • Different tolling schemes (area tolling, cordon tolling)
  • Travel Demand Management (telecommuting, flex hours, flex time, alternative schedules)
  • Better freight modeling (which now is becoming commodity flow and commercial vehicle modeling)
  • Varying levels of transit (local bus, express bus, intercity bus, BRT, light rail, and commuter rail

While many of these can be done with trip based models, most of them cannot be done well with trip based models.  There are a number of reasons, but the few that come to mind are aggregation bias, modal inconsistency, and household interrelationships.

Aggregation Bias

Aggregation bias occurs when averages are used to determine an outcome.  For example, using a zonal average vehicles per household, you miss the components that form the average, such as:

20 households, average VPHH = 2.2
2 HH VPHH = 0
5 HH VPHH = 1
4 HH VPHH = 2
6 HH VPHH = 3
3 HH VPHH = 4+

The trip generation and modal choices (car, bus, bike, walk, etc.) among these households are all different, and are even more more different if you look at the number of workers per household.

Modal Inconsistency

In trip based modeling, “people” are not tracked throughout their day.  So, if someone rides the bus to work, there is nothing in the model to ensure that they don’t drive from work to get lunch.  While we don’t want to force people to use the same mode, since many people will use the bus to get to work and then walk to lunch or to go shopping during lunch, we want to make sure that there is some compatibility of modes.

Household Interrelationships

One of the features of of tour based models is determining each person’s daily activity pattern.  During this process, certain person types can determine what another person is doing.  For example, if a preschool age child is staying home, an adult (whether they are a worker or not) HAS to stay home.  Another example is if a school-non-driving-age child is going on a non-mandatory trip, an adult must accompany them.  Trip based models don’t know about the household makeup and the household interaction.

The above are only three of the many reasons why tour-based modeling is important.  There are many more, but I feel these are some of the most important and some of the easiest to understand.

RFPs and RFQs: Legality and Ethics

March 28th, 2010

Recently, I attended a webinar entitled “The ABCs of RFPs and RFQs”.  This is one of those things that in my line of work (a manager of a travel model development group), I face occasionally.  I’m not an expert.  When presented the opportunity to get some guidance from some “experts” for free, I jumped on the chance.

I was disappointed.

Three things stuck out in my mind as being flat-out wrong.  The first was “The best case scenario is when you (the consultant) write the scope for the RFQ”.  The second was “The best way is sole source contracts”.  The third was constantly using RFP as a tool to limit the responses from consultants to only those that you want to respond.

Consultants Writing Scopes for RFQs

Looking at the AICP Code of Ethics, it seems that if a consultant writes the scope for the RFQ (or RFP), I feel it is in violation of Part A, 2a and 2c.  If a consultant is writing the scope for me, where is my professional judgement?  Does that judgement not extend to what I feel my needs (and my organizations needs) are?  Both of those are brought up in 2a.  Looking at 2c, which is avoiding a conflict of interest, it seems to me that if a consultant writes the scope for an RFQ, that is a direct conflict of interest – the consultant is going to write the scope that gives them an advantage (whether intentionally or unintentionally).

Sole Source?

When being audited by the State of Ohio Auditors, you are under extreme scrutiny when trying to sole-source a contract.  The reasons why are obvious.  A few years ago, my department attempted to sole-source a contract because it was a $30k contract and it seemed that there was only one firm that could do the job for that price.  While that may have been correct, there was several firms willing to try.  The job ultimately went to a firm that was NOT going to be the one that would have received the sole-source contract (there is a lot of talk that they may have taken a loss on the job, but I would venture a guess that the others would have as well).  Had the sole-source been allowed to continue, it would have been considered illegal under Ohio law and my organization would have been fined.

I can’t type all this without bringing up another big issue that CAN negate the above.  General Planning Consultants and General Engineering Consultants.  The GPC and GEC contracts are always put up for RFQ, and handing a scope to a GEC or GPC consultant is NOT the same as sole-source.  This method is perfectly legal (it is open to public review and open to all consultants to submit statements of qualifications) and is a great way to get smaller (less than $100k, perhaps) jobs to consultants without them spending a lot of money trying to get smaller jobs.  They have to spend their marketing money up-front, but over the 3-5 year span, they have plenty of opportunity to make it back on smaller jobs that have very small marketing requirements.

RFPs Only to Certain Consultants?

Again, 2c, conflict of interest – public agencies cannot perform the work of the public good using the fewest tax dollars without having an open bid process.  Also, it is pretty likely that every state requires RFPs and RFQs to be advertised.  That being said, what’s the point?  You’re going to send the RFP to 2 or 3 consultants but post it on your website (and for us, the newspaper, state DOT website, and various other locations as required by law and our policy) for all to see?  Sounds like a pretty ineffective way to only target a few consultants.

If you only want certain consultants to respond, find a way to do it, legally, without giving the opportunity for other consultants to not compete for it.

Separating Intent and Unintended Effects

March 21st, 2010

On March 7, 2010 at Atlanta Motor Speedway (AMS), an interesting crash happened in the larger context of NASCAR.  Carl Edwards intentionally got into the side of Brad Kesolowski, causing Kesolowski to spin around, become airborne, and land on his side with momentum sending Kesolowski’s car into the wall (video).  This was almost inverse of the Talledega spring race in 2009 where Edwards unintentionally came down on Kesoloski, spun around, became airborne, got hit by another car in the process, and hit the safety fence that separates the track from the stands(video).

The big difference between these two scenarios was intention.  Earlier in the race at AMS, Kesolowski got into the side of Edwards, causing Edwards a long repair and a poor finish.

NASCAR handed down a three-race probation to Edwards after parking him for the remainder of the race at AMS.  The debate as to whether that was the most appropriate disciplinary action have been swirling around NASCAR for weeks (and still is at the time of writing).

This post is not about whether NASCAR made the right or wrong decision, but rather how it relates to management.

You have to understand the history behind the wing.  If you’ve watched the videos above, you’ve seen two of three.  The other piece of history is at this video.  The scenario at AMS is the third time that a car has become airborne after being turned around.

The probation that Edwards faces (and no suspension or fine, mind you) was because Edward’s intent was to mess up Kesolowski’s 6th place finish with a spin to the infield.  Edwards didn’t intend for the vehicle to flip, and the vehicle should not have flipped.  In fact, the severe crash was likely caused more by the wing on the back of the car (which has now been replaced with a spoiler), not by Edwards’s intentionally spinning Kesolowski.

This is quite a conundrum for NASCAR.  They control the design of the car very strictly.  They also said that the drivers could use a little less restraint after feeling a lot of criticism over the 2009 season where they made rules that limited the drivers actions.  Drivers and teams are not allowed to make decisions as to whether they use the wing or not.  They have to use it.

The important thing here is, as a manager, make the decision looking at all pieces of information and all parts of history.  Look at what you’ve told your employees.  Look at what has happened in the past that your employees should have been aware of.  Look at what you would have done in that situation, particularly if you weren’t a manager.  Discuss the issue with the employees involved.  Do not make rash decisions and do not let emotions be the only thing that guides your decisions.

Romanian street sign warns drivers of ‘drunk pedestrians’ – Telegraph

March 15th, 2010

In what is perhaps an accidental approach to reducing pedestrian crashes using the first step of “the three Es” (education, enforcement, engineering), Pecica, Romania has installed signs that warn of drunk pedestrians ahead.

While a little odd, I applaud the mayor for experimenting with a low-cost, low-impact way to handle the problem.  I hope it works.

Romanian street sign warns drivers of ‘drunk pedestrians’ – Telegraph.

Former DOT Secretary weighs in on Transportation Bill

October 15th, 2009

Reference: National Journal Online — Insider Interviews — Bush DOT Chief Discusses Reauthorization.

I agree with the thoughts of increased tolling and more fees other than the gas tax.  I also agree with $1B per year for technology, but it has to be managed right.

I’m also glad that the performance measures are measurable:

  • Congestion (we can measure that – it is the percent of a region’s network that is operating with a demand greater than its capacity)
  • Costs (we can measure that, although we have to watch how we do it, as we don’t want to have a system be considered bad if gas prices hit $4/gallon)
  • Safety (we DO measure this – it is the number of injuries and deaths on the road)

What are those little green boxes???

April 11th, 2009

It is the start of traffic counting season in Ohio. Each year, we get about 7 months to count the cars on the road. With my involvement in this type of work, I hear a lot of horror stories. First off, I wanted to discuss how these things work and how the data is used and cannot be used, and then show some of the war stories.

Traffic Counter on side of road

Traffic Counter on side of road

First off: how these things work

Those that have been around for 30 or more years may remember when some gas stations had a hose that rang a bell to call a station attendant to pump your fuel. Those that don’t should watch Back to the Future. This is the same basic concept for most traffic counters. There are hoses that go across the road, and based on what the sensors feel and the time between them, these little green (or sometimes gray) boxes calculate the number of axles, distance between them (which can be used to derive the type of vehicle), and the speed.

I know that speed is a big issue with a lot of people. After all, some of these counters are being used for speed studies to see if they want to put a cop on a road at a certain time. This does happen, despite my wishes that cops and others would use less-detectable methods for enforcement. There are two other ways that counts, with speed, can be taken. One is by RADAR (the same thing they use for active speed enforcement). Mind you, for speed sampling, RADAR is pretty useful when installed correctly, and the boxes can be hidden quite well. The other is using magnetic loops. There are portable models of these that sit in the lane and are difficult to see (and also susceptible to theft). There are also permanent models that can be completely hidden from view.

One thing I can say with ALL hose counters: WE CANNOT USE THEM FOR SPEED ENFORCEMENT! The units do not have any cameras (etc), so if you speed while going over them, we know you did, but we don’t know who you are!

Second off: How We Use The Data We Get From These Things

This one differs by jurisdiction, but most use it for traffic studies. Speed, count, and vehicle type are very useful for roadway improvement design. Another use is for travel model validation. We (specifically me, since it is my job) use this to ensure that the region’s travel model is accurate so when we use it to plan billions of dollars in improvements, we know we’re not just guessing, which would be a waste of money.

Law enforcement will use the number of speeders per unit of time to plan when to run patrols. As I indicated, I wish they wouldn’t use hose counters for this, but they do, and the data they get is accurate. However, hoses are pretty conspicuous, which is why I wish they wouldn’t use them.

We cannot use the data in court. You cannot be detected to be going 45 MPH in a 25 MPH zone based on a traffic counter. The counters do not have cameras in them, and none that I know of can connect to a camera. A camera would be required to prove who was speeding. Without the connection, it would be difficult to prove, since the times would have to be the same, the counter has to be operating perfectly, and the hoses have to be measured very precisely. Some states also forbid the use of cameras for passive law enforcement (a cop can actively use a RADAR+camera, but not mount one on a pole and get every car that is speeding).

The War Stories

I have two, both given to me by a salesperson for Jamar Tech, one of the leading traffic counter manufacturers.

City of Boston Thinks a Counter is a Bomb. This one is proof that some cops don’t use hose counters, else they would have known what this unit is.

Counter burned, likely by an accelerant. PDF from Jamar, which the salesperson sent me just after I bought 8 counters from him.

Don’t Mess With Them!

It amazes me that 1 month into the season, I’ve had to replace several hoses because of cut or stolen hoses. This is your tax dollars at work. The more hoses we have to replace, the less money we have to improve the roads.

Travel Demand Modeling 101 Part 1: Terminology

August 22nd, 2008

It occurred to me that many people likely do not understand all of the terminology of travel demand models.  Because of this, I felt the need to list many of them here. Read the rest of this post… »

Random Thought: Road Nicknames

June 4th, 2008

I’ve occasionally seen some road nicknames that are particularly good.  A few that I’ve heard:

  • Malfunction Junction (I-275 and I-4, Tampa, FL)
  • The Riddle in the Middle (Alaska Way, Seattle, WA)
  • Spaghetti Junction (I-85 and I-285, Atlanta, GA)

I’ve also started calling a strech of Columbia Parkway (Cincinnati, OH) “The Suicide Side”, which is a 45 MPH arterial that everyone goes 60 MPH.  The divider is a double-yellow line… only.

Got any more?  Add ’em in the comments.

Four Step Model Explained: Trip Generation

June 3rd, 2008

Trip generation is likely one of the easiest parts of the four step process.  Normally, the most difficult part of dealing with trip generation is getting the input socioeconomic (population and employment) data correct.  This post explains how trip generation is calculated in the model… Read the rest of this post… »

Introduction to the Four Step Travel Demand Model

May 27th, 2008

The center of most travel demand models is the “Four Step Model”.  This model was created in the 1950s to determine the demand on roadways.  The four steps include:

  1. Trip Generation
  2. Trip Distribution
  3. Mode Choice
  4. Trip Assignment

Read the rest of this post… »