Python Telnet and \xff = 🤮

After trying to make node.js do what I think node.js is not meant to do (or I just don’t want to sink more time to figure how to make it do what I really think it’s not meant to do)*, I decided maybe I’d try Python. This relates to yesterday’s Promise Chain Pain.

As usual, that was a mistake.

I decided to send a self-test line to one of the Ohio River Bridge Counters, which is a hex line of ‘ff aa c0 02 00 02 00 02’. However, as I watched in WireShark, it was sending ‘ff ff aa c0 00 02 00 02’. The extra ‘ff’ at the beginning is a problem.

This is what my computer is sending

So I looked at the documentation, which led to the source code.


Apparently, any “IAC” characters are doubled.


Apparently, char(255) is “IAC”, and the hex character ‘ff’ is 255.

Yeah, \xff = 255. We already knew that, I just wanted to prove it.

Back to the drawing board…

Update: I’m probably being a little mean to Python. It’s the language I love to hate. I CAN use the socket package to work with these counters, so I might be good. Might.

That’s how I mostly feel about Python. Tie it to a stick to keep it out of the way for a while.


‘* = I’m not trying to rip on Node.js here. While there’s some things that baffle me with it (like the lack of errors for forgetting semicolons and the few occasions where I looked back at something and wonder how it ever worked), I have been enjoying Node.js and will likely be using it more.

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